Nicolas Le Gland ルグラン ニコラ nikɔlɑ lə glɑ̃ I deal with the nuts and bolts, not the fancy stuff. WorkNintendo European Research and Development, 75001 Paris France ( 48°51'35N, 2°20'41E: map, view, web) ContactFriend: 3DS 2535-3634-5751, Mario Run 0667-6690-1570, SW-0180-2477-2045 Profile You can find me on Airbnb, AlloCiné, Amazon.com, Amazon.fr, Badoo, Bitly, Blogger, Blogspot, Clubxtrem, coderwall, Copains d'avant, Dailymotion, DALnet, DandyID, DansTonChat, Deezer, Delicious, DeviantArt, Diaspora, Digg, Discogs, Discord, Doctissimo, Dotabuff, Dribbble, Dropbox, DS in Paris, eBay, Facebook, Flavors.me, Flickr, Foursquare, FriendFeed, Friendster, Génération NT, Games Creators Network, GameTrailers, Get Satisfaction, GitHub, Google+, Google Calendar, Google Maps, GSWoT, Hi5, I Can Has Cheezburger, ICQ, Instagram, JeuxVideo.com, Keybase, Klear, Klout, Kraland, La Poste, Last.fm, Le Plus, LinkedIn, Mario Maker Hub, Mastodon.social, Mastodon.xyz, Miiverse, MobyGames, MSN, MySpace, Naymz, NeoGAF, Netlog, Netvibes, Nintendo Life, OpenClassrooms, Panoramio, PayPal, Photobucket, Plaxo, PlayStation Network, Pocket, Pouët, Puissance Nintendo, Quitter.es, Quitter.is, Quitter.no, Quitter.se, Quora, Raptr, Reddit, Reddit Gifts, SeenThis, Sens Critique, Skyrock, SoundCloud, SourceForge, Spotify, Stack Overflow, StarCraft 2, StarCraft 2 Ranks, Steam, Storify, StumbleUpon, TechNet, Telegram, TripAdvisor, Trombi, Tumblr, Twitpic, Twitter, Viadeo.com, Viadeo.fr, Vimeo, VKontakte, Wefrag, WordPress, Xbox Live, Yelp, Yggtorrent and YouTube. |